The Journey

As we reach the middle of our lives, we often find ourselves at a crossroads. We may feel lost, uncertain, and overwhelmed by the challenges that lie ahead. But as Mary Oliver's poem, "The Journey," reminds us, these mid-life transitions can also be a time of growth, reflection, and self-discovery.

In "The Journey," Oliver writes of a person who finds themselves standing at the edge of a forest, faced with the choice of staying where they are or venturing into the unknown. It is a powerful metaphor for the mid-life transitions that many of us encounter, where we must choose between the comfort of familiarity and the uncertainty of change.

For those who choose to embark on the journey, Oliver's poem offers a sense of hope and encouragement. She writes, "One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice."

This line speaks to the challenges that we often face when making major life changes. The people around us may not understand our choices or may try to dissuade us from pursuing our goals. But as Oliver reminds us, it is essential to listen to our own inner voice and trust our instincts, even when others do not.

The journey that Oliver describes is not an easy one. It is full of obstacles, setbacks, and moments of doubt. But it is also a journey of self-discovery and transformation. As she writes, "But little by little, / as you left their voices behind, / the stars began to burn / through the sheets of clouds, / and there was a new voice / which you slowly recognized as your own."

This passage speaks to the idea that as we move through these mid-life transitions, we begin to discover new aspects of ourselves and find our own unique voice. We may encounter challenges that we never expected, but we also find strengths and abilities that we never knew we had.

Ultimately, "The Journey" is a poem about the courage and resilience that we need to navigate the challenges of mid-life transitions. It reminds us that even when we feel lost and uncertain, we have the power to choose our own path and create a meaningful life for ourselves.

So if you find yourself standing at a crossroads in your own life, take heart in Mary Oliver's words. Trust your instincts, listen to your inner voice, and embark on the journey with courage and determination. Who knows what wonders and discoveries may await you on the other side of the forest?

And if you find yourself wanting support through mid-life or early retirement, connect with me here to learn more about working together.


Be the Main Character


Mindful Moments