Re​tire Defined

Re·​tire ri-ˈtī(-ə)r verb

Did you know the word "retire" has a rich history dating back to the late 16th century? It originates from the French word "retirer," which means "to withdraw." The prefix "re-" signifies "back," and "tirer" translates to "to draw or pull." Therefore, "retirer" suggests the act of pulling back or withdrawing from something. The word was originally used in military contexts to describe soldiers retreating from battle.

The use of "retire" has evolved over time and it now means to withdraw from active work or public life. But retirement is more than just leaving a job. It’s an opportunity to "retire" in the original sense: to withdraw from one phase of life and step into a new one.

 Retirement is a time of freedom with the space to explore passions, hobbies, and relationships that may have been sidelined during the working years. It's not a retreat but a chance to refocus on what truly matters and rediscover ourselves and our interests.

 By understanding the origins of "retire," we can reframe this phase as an opportunity for growth and fulfillment, going from an end to a new beginning.



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