Listen to your voice

It was an ordinary work day, a year into the pandemic. I mostly liked my job, but as I sat at my desk, in the blue jeans and crewneck sweater that had become my work from home uniform, in the same spot I’d spent nearly every weekday for the past year, I wondered how long I could continue like this. 

 The buzzing sensations running up and down my legs and the ache in my lower back were telling me something was missing. As I sat there staring at the computer screen, trying to motivate myself to review the morning reports, a quiet voice asked me, “if not now, when?” 

 The question made me shudder and realize that it was time to stop dreaming and start doing. That’s the day that I finally took action, after 10 years of reasons and excuses as to why I shouldn’t, and registered for the life coach training and started planning for my second act.

 If you are ready to listen to your voice that tells you that you are meant for more in this life and start taking steps toward your dreams, I invite you to sign up for my mailing list here. I’ll send occasional messages meant to inspire and motivate.


A new beginning